20 Affordable Family Activities To Do at Home {free printable}

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Affordable Family Activities To Do at Home

Being stuck at home can sometimes be a bit blah, but it doesn’t have to be! Our days have been so busy that there are days when I’m passionately wanting nothing more than to be home. Those days are now upon me and I plan to thoroughly embrace them with family time and at-home activities. I’ve come up with a list of fun and creative family activities to do at home and I’m sharing it with you! {I’ve even included a free printable at the bottom of this article.}

There is a little bit of something for every type of family on this list: backyard activities, crafts, cooking, decorating – so many options! As always, I’m looking at the most affordable activities because time with family shouldn’t have to be expensive!

For a list of all my Amazon Family Activities items that can be purchased, click here!

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1. Make stepping stones 

This is such a great activity to do in preparation for the Spring! Amazon has a kit to make four stepping stones for under $10 so that everyone in the family can make their own.

2. Do a family cooking class together!

Learning to cook a new dish or baked good together can be an adventure, and you don’t have to leave your home to do it.  YouTube has plenty of cooking/baking tutorials available the are kid-friendly. Some YouTube channel suggestions include Hoopla Recipes, Food Fusion Kids, and Cook With Amber.

3. Family game night

Plan a family game night (or afternoon), with snacks and drinks included. You can even create a scoreboard by taping a poster board to the wall (it might amp up the competition a bit!) or by using reward coupons (see my free printable here!). Here are a few affordable family favorite games:

4. Make slime 

This is a popular one, kids love to make slime. I don’t think this activity ever gets old, I used to like making it as a kid and 30 years later kids are still making it! Great for ages kid-senior 🙂

5.  Family read-out-loud

Have everyone gather their favorite book(s) and spend an hour (or more, or less) having someone read a story out loud to everyone. Or take turns! You can make an afternoon out of it by going on a trip to the library to pick out books together. Or turn it into a bedtime celebration, gather up in PJs and cozy blankets for some good reads before bed!

6. Make a family vision board

Creating a family vision board is a great activity for all ages! Everyone gets a role in creating ideas for goals you would like to achieve as a family for the next year (and it doesn’t have to be a New Years’ resolution, this can be done year-round!). You can use a trusty ole poster board to write down words, verses, goals and add photos, clippings, or drawings of places, things, and activities of things you’d like to do as a family. If you want a more permanent vision board, this Magnetic Corkboard & Whiteboard works great too!

7. Have a family movie night

This is a tradition my family does often!  Usually, on Friday nights, we have pizza and pick a movie out to watch. Have pizza delivered or make your own at home!

8. Rock painting

Collect rocks (ones good for painting on) and let everyone paint rocks to place in your garden, landscaping, or around the house. You can even pass them out to neighbors and friends. Make sure you wash the rocks first and let them dry before painting. If you have your own craft paint at home, this will work on the rocks. Or you can invest in a Rock Painting Kit for under $13.

9. Help a neighbor

This one may require to leave your yard by a few feet (ha!). If you have a neighbor who is elderly, a single parent, handicap, or you just want to spread some love, gather the family to rake leaves, shovel snow, freshen up landscaping, etc. for a neighbor.

10. Make postcards and write letters to family/friends

Call me old fashion, but I really believe that writing a handwritten letter should be something every child gets a chance to do. And who doesn’t love getting a letter in the mail? It’s so rare these days!

11. Make your own Play-doh

To make your own play-doh, all you’ll need is some water, flour, vegetable oil, salt, cream of tartar, and food coloring. You can use the tutorial here for instructions on making your own!

12. Have a picnic!

Have a picnic in your own home, or outside. The kids can even help to prepare the food!

13. Build a fort

Building a living (or family) room fort is fun for kids and adults. Gather all the blankets and extra sheets around the house and create a family fort!

14. Have a nerf war

If you have kids in the house, there is a good chance you might already have some rifle scopes. If so, this is a free activity for you!  If not, you can purchase an affordable party-park of dart blasters (aka generic Nerf guns) for $13.

15. Make a family time capsule

You’ll want to find a waterproof container or purchase a time capsule waterproof container. Add letters, photos, newspaper clippings and anything else of importance to your family to your time capsule.

16. Have a tea party

You don’t have to leave home to have a fancy tea party! You can really use any type of cups for a tea party. Use your own, grab a few teacups from the local Goodwill, or purchase disposable teacups – just don’t forget the tea! Make it special by having sugar cubes and finger foods as well. Even dress up for the occasion (if you have willing participants!)

17. Make tie-dye shirts and accessories

If you already have items laying around the house that can be used for tie-dye, that’s great! If not, the Dollar Tree always has $1 white t-shirts and other items that are great for tie-dyeing.

18. Have a Body Bumper challenge

These fun sets from Amazon are under $20 for 2 body bumpers (they fit kids ages 4-12).

19. Play bingo

Play a few rounds of bingo with the family. You can make it fun by having each family member “donate” an item for prizes or have things such as special snacks, dollars, or family “coupons” for prizes. (Family coupons are good for things like “pick out dinner one night,” “get out of chores for free,” etc. I have free printable reward coupons here). You can make your own bingo set or purchase this awesome Bingo Kit for $17!

20. Have an indoor snowball fight

An affordable way of making “indoor snowballs” is by balling up pieces of paper (the white copy paper works best). Or you can purchase Giant Indoor Snowballs for under $10.

Free printable!

CLICK HERE here to print (pdf format)!

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